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November 27, 2017

Mike Horn

Cable Radio Network

"The material covered here is a remarkable resource...her tips and data will be invaluable for anyone...will make any sensitive reader feel pity, shock, and a healthy respect for the behaviors that keep most of us on the outside.  Many of us, though, have someone, male or female, who is or has been affected by the penal system, or who stands in imminent danger of becoming an "innie". All should read Good Girl's Guide to County Jail."

Barbara Scott Bamberger

Pacific Book Review

December 5, 2017

James Lowe

Transamerica Network, Kansas

I never thought I'd ever get arrested. Do you think you'd ever get arrested? Whatever the answer - think again. The odds of you getting arrested in the United States are higher than ever before.

Good Girl's Guide to County Jail for the Bad Girl in Us All:

Your Guide to the Incarcer Nation

Don't go in without it!

Get your copy now.

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